The average house price on HILSTON ROAD is £368,419
The most expensive house in the street is HAZY VIEW HILSTON ROAD with an estimated value of £562,116
The cheapest house in the street is 4 NORTH END COTTAGES HILSTON ROAD with an estimated value of £158,904
The house which was most recently sold was FURZE COTTAGE HILSTON ROAD, this sold on 7 Feb 2023 for £380,000
The postcodes for HILSTON ROAD are HU12 0JB, HU12 0JA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
CAIRN COTTAGE HILSTON ROAD Detached £274,772 £162,950 28 Mar 2013
FURZE COTTAGE HILSTON ROAD Detached £382,555 £380,000 7 Feb 2023
HAZY VIEW HILSTON ROAD Detached £562,116 £345,000 13 Mar 2007
4 NORTH END COTTAGES HILSTON ROAD Terraced £158,904 £93,000 22 Jun 2012
POPLAR FARM HILSTON ROAD £463,750 £375,000 24 Apr 2020